Book Quote: Genes and Environment in Context

12/26/2011 § Leave a comment

“Our society has gone through pendulum swings that over- or under-correlate DNA with behavior and disease. We have much to learn about the complex interactions within an organism and between an organism and its environment that influence its development.”
-Genetic testing and the use of information. Clarisa Long, Ed.

Waking to Crises

06/12/2011 § Leave a comment

How is it that you wake up in the morning to a dead bug lying next to you?

Did it climb down from the window, lie there, and just die in its sleep? Did it suffocate? A toxin in the air? How do insects just die like this? Don’t insects die from being eaten or killed? Did it die a while ago and then fall from the ceiling? From in my hair? How does this thing, just show up here, dead?


05/03/2011 § Leave a comment

broccoli ❤

It’s good to know where your food comes from.

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