Every Day (Goals).

Body & Mind:
Eat a plant-based diet whenever possible, preferably from local and organic sources.
Physical activity – running, pilates, yoga, or strength-training.
Sleep when tired; don’t let stress compound.

Relax and clear muscles — stretch; breathe.
Say out loud the things I am grateful for. Enjoy the potential for more beauty in each moment.

Social & Environmental:
Say hello to co-workers, trolley drivers, cashiers and baristas.
Notice the nature on the walk to and from work.
Enjoy dinner, conversation, or just simple company with the housemates.

Enjoy and appreciate the work that I do.
Take opportunities to engage and learn from others; use the wealth of resources currently available.
Work full days unless health concerns do not allow.

Use the ‘busy’ status on gchat while at work …(seen in another blog that I forget  -thank you!)
For my own work — work in different areas; not just my own room. The bookstore; the cafe; on the porch or in the living room.

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