What We Believe Is A Choice

06/14/2011 § Leave a comment

Good things are coming. I can feel it. I don’t know if it is strange or misguided or even just foolish to get this sense of positivity after hardships. But, regardless, I will always consider it precious. From a purely defensive perspective, the act of hope allows us to persevere, perhaps even thrive, despite the obstacles that stand in our way. And from a more abstract artistic sense, it is an even more beautiful ability for the human mentality to continue to love despite its losses. I think this is what keeps us sane, healthy, and good, as people. This is our ability to make our own choices given a condition that we cannot control and hadn’t ever wanted. These choices are what show us that we are capable of creating and re-creating our experiences.

What we believe is a choice. I am fortunate to know this and to believe always in what I see as beautiful, to be what I see, and to entrust in happiness, always.

Magic happens everywhere.

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